Explore the Cultural Schism between Ancient and Modern Times:

What is the state of culture in the world today? In general, is culture changing?

At age twenty, is Johnny, Juan, or Johan as financially and socially stable as when their grandfather turned twenty?

Is Mary, Mia, or Maria teaching their children, and employed like their grandmother at age twenty?

If not, culture is changing.

Change involves many contributing factors. Relating to Ancient Culture compares modern society with that of our parents, grandparents, and even ancient culture in an attempt to solve the riddle of what caused such a cultural shift.

Since the beginning of time, humans have always had to satisfy their basic needs: food, clothing, shelter, and training children to insure they are self-sustaining. If basic cultural needs remain the same, why does the current culture seem to be changing more than in the past?

With current comparisons, disputable contentions, and subtle humor, discover how and why society is being transformed. Enjoy Relating to Ancient Culture and the Mysterious Agent Changing It.

Hieroglyphs to Virtual Classrooms: Have We Really Progressed?

How are we learning? In recent decades, children have learned through many sources outside family, including daycare, schools, and after-school activities. Learning is in great contrast with centuries past where most things were taught by parents and family. What has changed? Why?

With intriguing background commentary, Relating to Ancient Learning provides an informal look at how civilizations were built by experiential learning, existed by efficiency, and declined with unprepared youth.

By necessity, throughout the world adults provide food, clothing, healthcare, and shelter for their children. Teens legally reach adulthood in high school, yet many are unprepared to sustain themselves. Age for teaching essential life skills has changed—it is delayed. Why are some young adults not inclined to work until formally educated for fifteen to twenty years?

Ancients, without writing, memorized independently. The world keeps changing. For over a century, electronic artificial memory designed to help seemingly made us unable to think and learn for ourselves. Meanwhile, education in group structure reinforced dependence.

There is an evolving change back to independent learning. Toddlers now use technology to learn and entertain themselves in a perceivable drift away from brick-and-mortar institutions.

Relating to Ancient Learning as it Influences the 21st Century provides fascinating insight into today’s modern communication and educational trends and is a must read for parents, grandparents, and educators.